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Magnet Fishers

We want you to help us grow magnet fishing by posting your finds and adventures. your content will be seen by a growing network of fellow magnet fishers sign up

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Magnet Fishing USA

About Us

Magnet fishing is growing , but there aren’t any platforms dedicated to magnet fishers. That’s why I developed a not-for-profit hobby site called Magnet Fishing USA.
Magnet fishing USA is a complete digital resource by and for magnet fishers. It’s a community, a blog, and it hosts magnet fishing web apps. You can easily access it on your phone, tablet, or computer. Our tools, content and applications reveal the largest collection of premium finds and their exact locations including google maps street views. you can also interact with anybody who posts their find.

I love magnet fishing but it was a struggle at first. I would find scrap, i wouldn’t find good locations, and my magnet would constantly get stusk.

Stefan Dries

Magnet Fishing USA founder

Magnet fishing USA values patriotism and quality time with the family. We're not for profit and run charitable fundraisers to benefit worthwhile organization. Check out magnet fishing USA here and let me know what you think! Watch our video in which we explain the technology we use.


We currently have the largest collection of magnet fishing finds and we want to continue adding ti it. Magnet fishing USA also has in-depth tutorials, a blog, and a facebook group that discussed magnet fishing topics.

Find Gallery

Our Gallery feature lets you sort and views finds by Type of Find and Date

World find map

You can use our Find Map ti view Goofle Maps locations of our finds.

Magnet Fishing USA Facebook group

Our Gallery feature lets you sort and views finds by Type of Find and Date


Our tutorials cover the magnet fishing process step by step - from choosing a magnet to catching your first major find.


Our blog explains magnet fishing from top to botoom and answers any questions you have. Our blog features interviews from experienced magnet fishers, in depth articles on magnet fishing questions, and interesting magnet fishing posts.

Join the community!

Post videos & images of your finds to our gallery

The largest collection of magnet fishings finds

Share your experiences on our blog

Share street views of your find’s locations our find

Sign up and help grow Magnet Fishing USA!

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